If you’re looking to build up your back muscles, there are plenty of ways to do it.

From dumbbell rows and lat pull-downs to machine movements–the list of back workouts is vast and varied.

But if you really want to target multiple muscle groups at once, there’s nothing quite like compound exercises.

Not only can they help strengthen your entire back region, but they also provide a great full-body workout!

So, if developing a strong, powerful back with a little something extra thrown in for good measure (aka that ripped look) sounds intriguing— keep reading as we break down the best compound back exercises around:

Best Compound Back Exercises For Mass

Let’s take a look at the top compound exercises that will build the back of your dreams:

1.     Lat Pulldown

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Lat pulldowns are amongst the best compound back workouts that target your latissimus dorsi (lats), which are large muscles in your back. They help improve upper body strength, posture, and overall pulling power.

Step-Wise Guide:

  • Place your knees safely under the pads of the lat pulldown machine.
  • Take a wide overhand hold on the bar, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Maintain a straight back and squeeze your shoulder blades together to drag the bar down towards your chest.
  • Pause for a second, then gradually return the bar to its starting position.


Avoid using momentum to pull the weight down; focus on using your back muscles to perform the movement. Start with lighter weights to master the form before progressing to heavier loads.

2.     Barbell Bent-Over Row

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Barbell bent-over rows are ideal for working out the entire back, including the lats, rhomboids, and rear delts. They help improve posture, increase back strength and thickness, and contribute to a balanced physique.

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart with your knees slightly bent.
  • Flex your hips forward while keeping your back straight and parallel to the ground.
  • Using an overhand grip, hold the barbell slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Pull the barbell up to your lower chest while maintaining your elbows tight to your torso.
  • After a brief pause, steadily lower the barbell back to its starting position.


Focus on pulling the weight with your back muscles rather than relying on your arms. Avoid rounding your back or using excessive momentum. Start with lighter weights to perfect your form.

3.     Seated Cable Rows

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Last but not least, the seated cable rows will work the muscles in your upper back, including the lats, rhomboids, and rear delts. Thanks to this workout, you may also improve back strength, posture, and stability.

  • Sit on a cable row machine with your feet placed against the footrests.
  • Grab the handles with a neutral grip, palms facing each other.
  • Sit with your knees slightly bent, back straight, and shoulders relaxed.
  • Pull the handles towards your abdomen while squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  • Pause for a moment, then slowly extend your arms forward to return to the starting position.


Keep your back straight throughout the movement, and avoid using momentum to pull the weight. Focus on the contraction of your back muscles. Adjust the weight and seat position to ensure a full range of motion.

Best Compound Back Workouts At Home

Don’t you like going to the gyms and fitness centers? No worries, you can build a shredded back with these op compound back workouts:

4.     Sumo Deadlift

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Sumo deadlifts have to be on your list of top compound back exercises as they target your posterior chain, including your back muscles, glutes, hamstrings, and core. They are excellent for building overall strength, improving posture, and developing explosive power.

Step-Wise Guide:

  • Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart, and your toes angled outward.
  • Squat down and position your hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing down, on the barbell.
  • Maintain a straight back and chest, and lift the barbell by extending your hips and knees.
  • Stand tall, then reverse the movement to descend the barbell back to the ground.


Engage your core and keep your spine neutral throughout the exercise. Avoid rounding your back or letting your knees cave inward. Start with lighter weights to practice proper form.

5.     Pull-Ups

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Pull-ups are a classic and effective compound back workout for building upper body strength and developing a wide, strong back. They target multiple muscles, including the lats, biceps, and upper back, while also improving grip strength.

Step-Wise Guide:

  • Hang from a pull-up bar, palms facing away and hands shoulder-width apart.
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together to engage your core and bring your body up.
  • Pull until your chin is above the bar, then gradually lower yourself back down.
  • Repeat until the desired number of repetitions has been reached.


Maintain a controlled motion throughout the exercise and avoid swinging or using momentum. Use an assisted pull-up machine or resistance bands for support if pull-ups are challenging.

Over To You

So to sum it all up, the best compound back exercises involve movements that engage multiple muscles and joints.

These exercises can be great for developing strength and overall muscular endurance. If you’re looking to build your back muscles, start incorporating some of these exercises into your routine and watch as your back grows!

Remember that consistency is key when doing any exercise, so make sure to keep at it for the best results.

Now that you have an understanding of how to train your muscles effectively, why not head over to https://olympire.com/all-posts/ for even more helpful fitness advice?

Who knows, this post may just be the start of your journey to achieving all of your fitness goals!