Have you ever faced the challenge of playing badminton with a partner who seems to have two left feet when it comes to racket skills?

Do you often find yourself wondering how on earth you can win a game when your partner’s shots seem to have a mind of their own?

With a few strategic moves and a sprinkle of patience, you can turn the game around and emerge victorious, even with a partner who struggles to hit the shuttlecock over the net.

Here are the best ways to play badminton doubles with a weak partner and end up on the winning side:

How To Win Badminton With A Weak Partner In Doubles

Playing with a weak partner? Buckle up; you can still do it with the following tips and tricks:

1.     Perfect Your Serve & Return

Your serve and return can make or break a game in doubles badminton.

When serving, aim to place the shuttlecock precisely where you want it, using a mix of high and low serves to keep your opponents guessing.

Practice your return shots to be able to send the shuttlecock back with power and accuracy, putting your opponents on the defensive right from the start of each rally.

2.     Cover More of the Court

Doubles badminton demands swift movement and strategic positioning to cover as much of the court as possible.

Work on your footwork to be agile and quick, enabling you to reach shots on both sides of the court effectively.

Anticipate your opponent’s moves and adjust your positioning accordingly in order to win doubles with a weak partner, ensuring that you’re always ready to react and retrieve the shuttlecock.

3.     Become the Aggressor

When playing with a weaker partner in badminton doubles, taking on a more aggressive role can tilt the game in your favor.

Seize opportunities to take the offensive, whether it’s by smashing the shuttlecock to put pressure on your opponents or by executing drop shots to catch them off guard.

By dictating the pace and direction of the game, you can keep the pressure on your opponents and create openings for scoring points.

Related: How to improve jump smash in badminton?

4.     Communicate & Coordinate

Effective communication and coordination between you and your partner are essential to play badminton doubles with a weak partner.

Keep each other informed about your intentions and movements on the court through verbal cues or hand signals.

Coordinate your positioning to cover different areas of the court efficiently, ensuring that there are no gaps for your opponents to exploit. By working together as a cohesive unit, you can maximize your effectiveness and minimize errors.

5.     Adjust Strategy for Weaknesses

Identify any weaknesses in your opponent’s game and adapt your strategy accordingly.

If one opponent struggles with backhand shots, for example, focus on directing your shots to that side of the court to exploit their vulnerability.

Stay observant throughout the match and be ready to adjust your tactics on the fly to capitalize on any weaknesses you notice.

6.     Offer Constructive Feedback

Support your partner by offering constructive feedback during the game.

Encourage them when they make good plays and offer gentle guidance when they make mistakes.

Focus on providing practical advice for improvement rather than criticism, fostering a positive and supportive atmosphere on the court.

How about letting your partner know about badminton-friendly exercises? Sounds like a real deal?

7.     Adapt Playing Style Accordingly

Flexibility is key when playing with a weaker partner in badminton doubles.

Adapt your playing style to complement your partner’s strengths and cover for their weaknesses.

If your partner excels at net play, for instance, focus on setting them up for smashes and intercepting shots near the net to capitalize on their skills.

By adapting your playing style to maximize your combined strengths, you can overcome the challenges posed by having a weaker partner in doubles badminton.

Final Recap

Playing badminton with a weak partner doesn’t have to be a recipe for disaster.

You can turn the tables and come out on top by communicating effectively, covering each other’s weaknesses, and maintaining a positive attitude.

Remember, it’s not always about winning every point, but rather enjoying the game and the camaraderie it brings.

So next time you find yourself paired with a less-than-stellar teammate, put these tips into action, and let the shuttlecock fly.

Just out of curiosity, do you know the right ways and tactics of winning badminton singles?