Imagine this: you’re on the badminton court with your friend, ready to play doubles.

You’re both pumped up and excited, but you want to win, right?

Here comes the million-dollar question: how to win badminton doubles?

Well, that’s the very reason we’re here.

Let’s talk about the secrets to winning at badminton doubles, step by step:

Related: How to win badminton singles

How To Win Badminton Double Matches?

Listed below are the best badminton doubles winning tactics:

1.     Play In Formation

Playing in formation in badminton doubles involves positioning yourself and your teammate strategically on the court to cover as much ground as possible and exploit your opponent’s weaknesses.

This means one player typically stays closer to the net while the other covers the backcourt.

The net player aims to intercept shots and apply pressure, while the backcourt player focuses on powerful clears and smashes.

This formation allows for quick transitions between offence and defence, increasing the chances of winning rallies.

2.     Use Quick Reflexes

Quick reflexes are crucial in winning badminton doubles as the game moves at a fast pace, requiring rapid reactions to incoming shots.

Being able to anticipate your opponent’s moves and adjust your positioning accordingly can give you a significant advantage.

Quick reflexes enable you to reach difficult shots, execute effective returns, and maintain control of the rally. Practicing agility drills and honing your reaction time can help improve your reflexes on the court.

3.     Prioritize Effective Serve & Return Strategy

In badminton doubles, prioritizing an effective serve and return strategy is crucial to gaining the upper hand from the start of each rally.

A well-placed serve can put pressure on your opponents and set the tone for the point. Likewise, a strong return can disrupt your opponents’ rhythm and create scoring opportunities for your team.

You can keep your opponents guessing and maintain control of the game by focusing on consistency, accuracy, and variation in your serves and returns.

4.     Utilize Court Space Efficiently

Utilizing court space efficiently involves moving dynamically around the court to cover different areas effectively.

By utilizing the full width and length of the court, you can force your opponents into difficult positions and create openings for attacking shots.

It’s essential to maintain good footwork and positioning to maximize your coverage and minimize your opponents’ opportunities.

Efficient court movement allows you to maintain pressure on your opponents and control the flow of the game.

5.     Strategize With Your Teammate

Strategizing with your teammate is key to success in badminton doubles as it allows you to coordinate your efforts and capitalize on each other’s strengths.

Effective communication and understanding each other’s playing styles can help you anticipate each other’s moves and react accordingly.

By working together to exploit your opponents’ weaknesses and cover each other’s vulnerabilities, you can create a formidable team dynamic that increases your chances of winning matches.

Collaborating on tactics, adjusting your game plan as needed, and supporting each other on the court can make a significant difference in the outcome of the game.

Over To You

Winning at badminton doubles might seem like a tough nut to crack, but with a bit of teamwork, strategy, and practice, you can do it.

Remember to stay focused, communicate with your partner, and most importantly, have fun on the court.

Have you got some other badminton doubles winning tips up your sleeves? If so, share your thoughts in the comments section.

And one more thing, what are your ways of winning badminton doubles when playing with a weak partner?